Genocrunch Terms of Service

No warranties
1.This software is provided "as is" and without  any warranties, whether
  express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
  merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose and noninfringement.
  In addition, EPFL expressively does not warrant that:
  a) The software will function, be free of bug or any defect.
  b) Any defect will be corrected.
  c) The software and any of its inputs or outputs will be compatible with
     any third-party software.
  d) Any of the software result or output will be reliable.

2.The protection of any data uploaded, stored or generated
  on this web server, is not warrantied in any way and EPFL
  expressively does not warrant that:
  a) The data will remain confidential or will not be accessible
  to the public or a third-party.
  b) The data will not be damaged or unusable.
  c) Any damaged data will be repaired.
  d) The data will remain accessible for any period of time or be
     accessible at all.
  e) The data or any derivative result will be merchantable.
  f) The data will be compatible with any third-party software.

1.This software is for research use only and shall not be used in medical
2.The authors and the copyrights owners shall have no liability of any
  kind for the use of or inability to use the software, the software
  content, data, or any associated service.